3 Easy Career Tarot Spread + Tips on Career Tarot Reading

Whether you’re working a 9 to 5 or hustling on your own, we tend to have richer lives overall when we lead more rewarding work lives. Whether we like it or not, we spend most of our waking hours working. And you’d better enjoy what you’re doing.
But what happens if you don’t? What if you’re trapped in your career and don’t know where to go? And are you unsure which choice to make?
Or maybe you’re drowning in debt and don’t know which step to take first.
There are various ways to deal with the problem. Still, if you’re like me and believe in the universal, tarot can be the one thing that provides comfort, support, and guidance.
These might offer you hope and point you in the right direction as you go through your trip.
Career readings provide an opportunity to clarify from the Source about one’s future with their profession, wealth, and vocation in life. Here are a handful of my favorite career tarot spreads.
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Here's what we'll cover:
Easy Three Card Spread for Career Review
Should you stay or go?
Is now a good moment to take a chance, or is it better to stick to what you’re doing and reinforce your position where you are? New possibility. Depending on the preceding card, this will be inwardly focused on where you are currently or outwardly focused on external elements. Advice. Move forward, stay put, believe your emotions or reasoning; this card holds the solution to what you should (or should not) do.
Should you stay or go?
Is now a good moment to take a chance, or is it better to stick to what you’re doing and reinforce your position where you are?
New possibility.
Depending on the preceding card, this will be inwardly focused on where you are currently or outwardly focused on external elements.
Move forward, stay put, believe your emotions or reasoning. This card holds the solution to what you should (or should not) do.
Step Ladder 5 Cards Tarot Spread for Career
We have a basic tarot spread for job guidance if you’re looking for it. This concise form is ideal for getting to the heart of what you need to know about your job and purpose.
It will consider where you are today and your desired career goal. Of course, our professional life is about more than just money, even if it doesn’t directly satisfy our hobbies. As a result, this spread will look at where your deep purpose within your job or career lies. How does this contribute to that? And how can we better achieve our purpose in this profession?
Then we’ll talk about how you might uncover these, or even better, possibilities to increase your future performance or finances in the future.
Meanings of Card Placement:
- Your current career
- Your ideal job
- Right now, your deep purpose
- How will you achieve that goal?
- Where can you discover these opportunities or help?
12 Cards Tarot Spread for Career Searching or Finance Advice
This design is great if you’re looking for possibilities in your work and finances. Sometimes we are provided with so many options or courses that it is difficult to choose. At times, we don’t even believe we have a viable option.
This tarot spread for your career will assist you in determining the pathways and goals you should pursue. It will also cause you to consider any obstacles you may have in these areas and what you can do to overcome them. Finally, because life is difficult, you will be given a card of encouragement on your career and finances.
Meanings of Card Placement:
- Card #1: Your previous employment, careers, or financial situation
- Card #2: This card represents your current purpose.
- Card #3: How committed are you to your current mission?
- Card #4: How can you improve your alignment with your current purpose?
- Card #5: Options for your career or financial status
- Card #6: Your feelings regarding your possibilities
- Card #7: You have significant obstacles in your work and finances.
- Card #8: How to Overcome These Difficulties
- Card #9: The most important piece of advice you should consider
- Card #10: A tip on where to look for future chances
- Card #11: A bird’s-eye view of your current professional situation
- Card #12: A message of encouragement regarding your career and finances
Tips on Tarot Readings for Career Questions
First, the obligatory legal disclaimer, which bears repeating: nothing on this website constitutes career, legal, health, or any other type of advice. This website is solely for entertainment purposes.
Tarot spreads for careers are more likely to be used for self-discovery, meditation, and career-related insight.
Do you understand? Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s move on to some tips for employing career tarot spreads:
Most people’s jobs and occupations are a constant source of stress. Aside from the big strains of new jobs and career transitions, day-to-day work-related tensions and conflicts with supervisors and coworkers are regular sources of anxiety and sleep loss.
While many tarot readers base their readings on the “future,” career-related tarot spreads and business readings are more likely to be instruments for self-discovery, meditation, and career-related insight. The insight and understanding gained from reading tarot cards is often more valuable than the cards’ predictive ability.
Classic tarot spreads such as the Past, Present, and Future and Path Through Adversity spreads are simple to apply to broad career-related issues.
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